Sony india has officially announced two products .the Tablet S and the tablet P .Both products have very unique designs .As for WI-FI + 3G model will
retail for RS 33,990 when it will launched in mid-january .the 4GB sony tablet P only comes in awi-fi +3G model,which has been priced at RS 36,990
The Tablet S has the wedgeshape design and is the first tablet to have received the plystation certification. the S has 9.4-inch display .the folded wallet design of the tablet pallow sony to offer two 5.5 -inch each display on the tablet .the idea is to allow a better distribution of the control - for example ,the email window will be on one screen and the keypad will be on the other .the the display on both tablets have what sony's patented trublck technology that allow for deeper and uniform black levels .
The "throw " feature lets you send music ,video and pictures to any DLNA compatible device on the same network -TVs, home theatere ,speakers and even PCs .
sony india has also preloaded the tablets with a lot of apps .
unique to the tablets S is the universal remote application that allows you to control almost any gadget at home.
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